Thursday, October 21, 2010

Embracing the change (Part 2)

Currently listening to: Daily live Worship (Bryan Clift) Sept 22 Podcast...Miss you Man of God!

Hello Readers! I hope you are having a fantastic day. So today in the midst of my thoughts and wonders in my mind I came across a word in my mind and spirit...VISION. You know the Bible says in Prov 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."

It is so important to have vision in your life and for you life. You see folks so many times in life it's so easy to just go about life aimlessly, settling for 2nd best, settling for the things of this world rather than the things of the Kingdom...which last forever and never whither and die. It's only with a Vision that you can truly begin to live your life. I truly believe in this scripture that the writer declared that "...the people parish" because there was no true purpose to live. It is easy to become "BLIND" to the things of the God and OPEN to the things of this world, when it should be the exact opposite!
Let me ask you a question, What do you desire to do with your life? What is your passion? What are your dreams (VISIONS)? If you can answer these questions EASILY then you probably are on your way to having vision.
A Football coach has a vision for his coaches, team, and organization
A CEO has a vision for how he wants his company to operate.
A Pastor has a vision for His/Her Ministry( Church/God's House)
How does the vision run? It is cast amongst the team, the employees, the church staff/congregation. It's amazing how God brings people in your life to help you fulfill you vision(a part of God's plan for your life.)

WHAT'S YOUR VISION for your future? What's the Vision or Visions God has laid upon the tablets of your heart?

In the moments of my journeys of embracing the change down here in the RGV, God has shown me a lot about running with Vision, The Vision of the House(church) HE's called me to serve, the vision of the personal ministry he's called me to, and the vision for my future. I've been fortunate to seek wise counsel from God...the great counselor, family, and friends. However I've had to rely on God wholeheartedly for many things in this adventure thus far, and He has been faithful as HE so says HE is. If you truly seek Him you will find Him...the bible teaches that, and I believe if you truly seek HIS face, HIS ways, HIS desires, and HIS will then He will cast vision in your spirit as you enable HIM to.

I just want to encourage those of you that are reading this today, Allow God to enscribe HIS vision for your life on the tablets of your heart and let it resound within the depths of your spirit. Then take some time during the day to meditate on the what HE has written/ spoken to you. I know you will find it to be exciting and reviving as you take it in. Like a breathe of fresh air! A good 2nd wind! God Bless you as you go about your day, and may the God of peace lead you throughout the journey ahead.


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