Thursday, October 21, 2010

Embracing the change (Part 2)

Currently listening to: Daily live Worship (Bryan Clift) Sept 22 Podcast...Miss you Man of God!

Hello Readers! I hope you are having a fantastic day. So today in the midst of my thoughts and wonders in my mind I came across a word in my mind and spirit...VISION. You know the Bible says in Prov 29:18 "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."

It is so important to have vision in your life and for you life. You see folks so many times in life it's so easy to just go about life aimlessly, settling for 2nd best, settling for the things of this world rather than the things of the Kingdom...which last forever and never whither and die. It's only with a Vision that you can truly begin to live your life. I truly believe in this scripture that the writer declared that "...the people parish" because there was no true purpose to live. It is easy to become "BLIND" to the things of the God and OPEN to the things of this world, when it should be the exact opposite!
Let me ask you a question, What do you desire to do with your life? What is your passion? What are your dreams (VISIONS)? If you can answer these questions EASILY then you probably are on your way to having vision.
A Football coach has a vision for his coaches, team, and organization
A CEO has a vision for how he wants his company to operate.
A Pastor has a vision for His/Her Ministry( Church/God's House)
How does the vision run? It is cast amongst the team, the employees, the church staff/congregation. It's amazing how God brings people in your life to help you fulfill you vision(a part of God's plan for your life.)

WHAT'S YOUR VISION for your future? What's the Vision or Visions God has laid upon the tablets of your heart?

In the moments of my journeys of embracing the change down here in the RGV, God has shown me a lot about running with Vision, The Vision of the House(church) HE's called me to serve, the vision of the personal ministry he's called me to, and the vision for my future. I've been fortunate to seek wise counsel from God...the great counselor, family, and friends. However I've had to rely on God wholeheartedly for many things in this adventure thus far, and He has been faithful as HE so says HE is. If you truly seek Him you will find Him...the bible teaches that, and I believe if you truly seek HIS face, HIS ways, HIS desires, and HIS will then He will cast vision in your spirit as you enable HIM to.

I just want to encourage those of you that are reading this today, Allow God to enscribe HIS vision for your life on the tablets of your heart and let it resound within the depths of your spirit. Then take some time during the day to meditate on the what HE has written/ spoken to you. I know you will find it to be exciting and reviving as you take it in. Like a breathe of fresh air! A good 2nd wind! God Bless you as you go about your day, and may the God of peace lead you throughout the journey ahead.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Embracing The Change (Part 1)

Currently listening to: "Ready Now" by Desperation Band

Jeremiah 29:11-12

11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.

Hello People it's Tadly again. So it's been a minute since I last blogged, so I'm back and ready for new season of thoughts and ideas.

Have you ever had to come face to face with a decision that you knew would change the course of action for your life? Have you ever had to commit to something you knew was right, yet you hesitated? Have you ever fully surrendered to something knowing that something was going to enhance your life in every aspect? Have you ever had to commit to CHANGE PERIOD of any level, degree, etc? If you answered yes to any of these similar questions then this write up is for you.

I am at a point in my life where I've had to make a major decision to move forward in the Lord and what He has called me to do, or to continue rather. It has required great sacrifice and obedience to make this decision in moving forward. It's interesting how when God's word says "He will never leave you nor forsake you..." you take it to heart when you embrace a huge shifting (change) in your life. You realize 'Wow I'm actually doing this!' I'm actually moving, no seriously "moving" with God.
Folks I'm talking about a move that requires FULL surrender of everything for the cause of Christ. I'd say on a scale right up there with a Missionary moving to a third world country questioning there return to the States. Okay maybe not that drastic but giving up A LOT for the true cause of Christ and Kingdom advancement.
Thus far in my transition I've left a lot of what I've considered to be my close knit, my everything, my "Comfort Zone!" I've returned to a place where my mission to fulfill is being continued, like a movie on pause that has just had the play button pushed again to continue the movie. My first thought when I was driving to my new destination? " What the Heck am I doing?" After that...Literally laughing out loud while thinking "God you definitely have a great sense of humor!"

I'll pause there for now, no pun intended, to state my claim...

If God has place a calling on your life and you are truly walking with him, then you know His voice. As the bible says "My sheep listen to my voice..." If God is calling you to move forward, then it's time to do so. It may be a move, a surrender of an addiction, a call to obedience and sacrifice. Whatever it is don't hesitate, don't hold back, don't fear, and do not be dismayed. Understand that the Lord goes before you and has it all mapped out. Though you may not know Why? How? When? Where? guess what...it's okay! Why? Because your steps are ordered by the Lord. He has prepared the way for you, now you prepare the way for God to move in you and through you.

God is calling us out of our pews, comfort zones, and traditionalist views and is calling us to a higher level with him. Gone are the days of spectators and in are the days of getting in the game to win for Kingdom purpose!

I leave you with 3 questions:


Remember HE'S waiting for
YOU to respond!

John 10:27-28
27My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.

For Kingdom Purpose,

Tad Ruiz

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cousin / Mentor your preference!

Listening to:

Lead me to the Cross by Hillsong ( a great tune I must say!)

Sing to Him a new song; Play skillfully with a shout of joy. Psalm 33:3

...ok so this blog, considering I have not blogged in a minute, is dedicated to my cousin Cassidy S. Cavazos. First off I must say I love my entire family, and to them I will blog about later. However in this intimate moment, I would like to take this time to tell the whole world where the ability to do what I do, at the drop of a dime in some cases no doubt, came from. Yes ultimately it is the Lord who gives us the ability, skills, and talents. He also sends peeps our way to help us along the way of the Master! So with that we can begin...
I actually grew up in church and around music and p&w music my whole life. I was in 8th grade when I started playing sax in church, Bethel Temple Christian Center to be exact. Mom and Pastor's wife would stay up late transposing music to fit my notes on sax...and God bless em' for that. Well...9th grade rolled right around the corner and that's when I started playing sax at my Uncle's Church, Hope Church in Abilene, Tx. Well there's more history as far as seeing Cassidy in the worship light, but that'll come in a later blog. Anyhow I played drums for Cassidy during the service...so Fast songs (praise songs some would say) I played drums, then worship (slow song) I would play sax...lol...with this mic that was like a "britney spears mic" without the head gear so it would fit literally inside my sax.
Well to make a long story short... in seeing Cassidy all these years I eventually learned from Him how to play piano, read charts, sing, sing while playing, and sing while playing and leading all in progression. Now folks those of you that do lead in this manner, with an instrument in front of you as well as a microphone, you know it takes coordination...like a mug...but thanks be to God...I've succeeded and still am...Cassidy...yeah well He's just amazing, and if you don't know Him world, now you do! I love him not only because He's my cousin, but better yet becuase He has inspired me mentally,spiritually,socially, and of course musically!
So to those aspiring to be musicians, worship leaders, vocalists...I challenge you to hone your craft unto the Creator...for it is He who grants all the anointing and ability you need to succeed in your talent!!!

Keep it Musical,


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Magazines and Starbucks

Listening to:

Para Que Tu No Llores by Antonio Carmona and Alejandro Sanz

Welcome back folks to another exciting episode of...Notes Off the Page...sponsored by...Sax4U Records...well ok not yet but soon enough right. "So uh back to the lecture at hand..."
So enlight of this weekend being Mother's Day...I once again set my mind on another thought.
Man...I love reading magazines and sip, sippin' on some Starbucks...(clears throat) a grande white mocha will do, thanks! I came across 3 magazines that were of interest to me People, which I had already read, GQ (I gotta renew my subscription), and Giant.
For you fellow readers of any periodical in this nation, you know how addicting going from one mag to another can be...more so than caffeine, no pun intended. I came across this thought in my head...
Keep in mind I have a unique way of reading magazines...Backwards that is. Anyhow You know MOST of the time mags are filled with nothing more than images,pics, and gossip of today's society. However I must admit...how often I read these opinions of proprietary noting, and yet I walk away with nothing of substance, other than an occasional redo of the wardrobe or worse news than I hear on the local newscast, then I thought of the Word of God, and how God's promise are YES and AMEN.
Hey Guys...The word of God is so alive today! Living and active...and like crazy it is reaching more and more peeps. However we need not forget that it is become our responsibility to read such set items stated in this leather bound book we call the BIBLE....remember that song..."the B-I-B-L-E yes that's the book for me..."ok back to the subject. Now to all those soothsayers, I have nothing against reads either of popularity or of the status quo...just wanted to mention a friendly reminder to all of us to stay in tune with the Word of God and read Gods ever so captivating words!
What have you been reading lately?
P.S. Also just to let you fine feathered patrions know I'm now posting a "Listening to" section at the beginning of every post...Blogging and Music...Yum...Yum...a winning combination folks!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

On Musical Terms...(Part I)

Hey guys it's the the Tadmeister again! Hope all is going well in your neck of the woods...so...I assume by this point you're like..."Tad why haven't you blogged about your musical activities?"
...well I'm so glad you asked...so here it goes...(sigh). So I will be blogging on all musical activities under "On Musical Terms..." and there will always be a part # so as for my audience to not be kept behind, just a little FYI. Presently I'm grateful to be ministering with Highpoint Church in Arlington, TX...my home church. I've been on this team for about 6 months, and I'm loving every minute of it.
In my endeavor to become a better musician and now vocalist, the unexpected has occurred. While having the awesome privilege to minister on this worship team, I've had the awesome blessing of meeting some amazing men and women of the faith. In less than 2 months I've been inches from Joyce Meyer and heard her speak live, I led worship for Marilyn Hickey, and met her all together at her ministers partnership banquet, and I've had the joy and blessing to meet Israel Houghton!
I gotta say this...When you truly follow the will of the Father, humble yourself, and Obey His commands, then God will present you before people, places, and things you never saw coming. These are meant to be nuggets of blessings for you to enjoy for being attentive and sensitive to that "still small voice."


More to come....


Saturday, May 3, 2008

What You Say...is What You Authorize!

Psalm 119:46-47 -Iwill speak of your statutes before kings and will not be put to shame...
Ha! Hey guys it's Tadly again, back for another round of blogizzle! I must say this before I proceed. I, yes I, have the best best friend in the whole world. I had the honor and privilege, once again, to hear my boy (Abram) speak a few words of widsom to his hometown of Itasca, Tx. As I stood next to Friends, Family, and his Wife (Becky), what came to mind was this simplistic thought...
God had given us authority in the power of the tongue!
I have to admit, though it was not funny at the time, the gentlemen who spoke before Abram, was constantly getting distracted,whether it was the microphone, the wind, or even just forgetful thoughts. However when Abram came up to speak, it was as if the world stood still for that moment, and everyone honed in to His Words. Though He didn't preach, HE DID! lol! That's when it hit me...What you say is what you authorize! Though I give credit to Abram for a job well done...and even a steak if need be...to the greater glory, I give our heavenly father who birthed that gift of oratorship to Abram.
So...where am I going with this?....Uh nowhere, I'm done...
Lol! No seriously, always keep in mind that when you speak, you give the power of life or the power of death through what you say to someone! Understand Folks, that the gift of gab is not always a gift, it can be a curse too if you allow it to be. God has given us authority to do many great and wonderful things from the greatness of the Great Commission to the priviledge of just enjoying life and all its splendor!
You my friend, have been pre-destined for greatness endued from on High. Don't ruin those moments by WHAT you say, but better yet enhance those moments IN what you say!
What are you saying these days?

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Don't touch the Door or the Handle.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
You know I thought about Avery Johnson, Former Head coach for the Mavericks, when I was thinking up this blog. For those that are not familiar with the recent event let me make it simple, Coach Johnson got fired yesterday! However, my thoughts are not to rant and rave about Coach Johnson, but better yet to point out the Lord's working in the midst of all the calamity and on behalf of Avery Johnson. A lesson to be learned here folks. Despite the fact that He got canned one day after the losing twice in the first round of the playoffs, and despite the fact that their are mixed emotions on all sides, this is what has come to light in my mind. Though He is "jobless" at a very high price no doubt, it yet remains that New York or Chicago may opt to pick Him up as a coach!
All that to say what many of us have heard all our lives, especially in the spiritual, "God never closes one door without opening another..." I feel like I just echoed that through the chambers of the Myerson Symphony Hall in downtown Dallas...and the Hall was empty. HELLO folks, God is alive and active and doing very quick and marvelous things before our eyes... So with that I exclaim my title of these thoughts DON'T TOUCH THE DOOR OR THE HANDLE! How often do we as people attempt to want to make our own path straight? Or perhaps we know what's best for us? Or "It's all good, I have this under control...nothing else necessary."
If that is you, then you my friend are touching the door and the handle.
When you can grasp the concept of the verse above, and say to yourself, " I realize I can't do this alone or on my own....I need God." Then you are at a point where you are able to be utililzed for kingdom purpose. Remember those doors that seemed impossible to open? Yeah well you were never supposed to touch that door, much less try to force it open. Friends I'm here to write to you today, that the plans that God has for your lives is far better than any we could ask or imagine!
Take to heart the fact that when you wait on God for the answer and the 'correct' door to walk through...the door will be unlocked and YES you may enter now!
I leave you with this...If you force the door open, you are walking through the door in copmlete disobedience. If you wait on God for the door to open, whichever door HE chooses, then you are trusting in the one who brought you to that door you are suppose to walk through!
Have a blessed day,